由流體力學可知,P(功率)=Q(風量)╳ H(壓力),風量Q與轉速N的一次方成正比,壓力H與轉速N的平方成正比,功率P與轉速N的立方成正比,主扇風機控制是借助改變風門開度的大小來調節風量的,其實質是改變管道中氣體阻力的大小來改變風量。因為風機的轉速不變,其特性曲線保持不變, 當風門全開時,風量為Qa,風機的壓頭為Ha。若關小風門,管阻特性曲線改變,此時風量為Qb,風機的壓頭到Hb。則壓頭的升高量為:ΔHb=Hb-Ha。于是產生了能量損失:ΔPb=ΔHb×Qb。
將這兩種方法相比較可見,在風量相同的情況下,轉速控制避免了風門控制下因壓頭的升高和管阻增大所帶來的能量損失。在風量減小時,轉速控制使壓頭反而大幅度降低,所以它只需要一個比風門控制小得多的,得以充分利用的功率損耗。 由上述可知,當要求調節風量下降時,轉速N可成比例的下降,而此時軸輸出功率P成立方關系下降。即風機電機的耗電功率與轉速近似成立方比的關系。
4 雷諾爾高壓變頻器的特點
功率單元結構為交-直-交方式,每個功率單元主要由輸入熔斷器、三相全橋整流器、電容器組、IGBT逆變橋、直流母線和旁通回路構成,同時還包括控制驅動電路。每個單元為三相輸入,單相輸出的脈寬調制型變頻器。其輸出的電壓狀態為1、0、-1,每相五個單元疊加就可以產生11種不同的電壓等級。inputs Ai1 and AI2 (i7 and I8) are used to measure carbon dioxide and oxygen respectively. Connect the signal from the sensor to the threshold trigger, and set four for each bank as the upper and lower limits of carbon dioxide and oxygen respectively.
Carbon dioxide removal. When the carbon dioxide value of a storehouse is higher than the set upper limit, the electromagnetic pneumatic valve between the corresponding storehouses will be turned on through the automatic valve station, and the carbon dioxide remover will be started at the same time. Until the CO2 value is below the lower limit.
Oxygenation. With the extension of fruit and vegetable respiration time, carbon dioxide in the storeroom increases and oxygen decreases. When its value is lower than the lower limit, open the electromagnetic (or electric) valve to add oxygen from the atmosphere when removing carbon dioxide. The duration is set by an edge triggered pulse width relay.
Display section. On the screen of the text display TD, it can display: the warehouse number inspected when removal is not car