同時科爾摩根提供的高性能和高響應帶寬的AKD驅動器也是提升切割精度的關鍵,AKD驅動器憑借其業界領先的三環刷新頻率(670ns電流環刷新FPGA; 62.5 μs 速度環刷新; 125 μs 位置環刷新)使得運動控制更加迅速、及時,同時提高控制精度,減小加減速時過沖,從而提高轉角時的切割精度,大幅度提升產品的良品率。另外AKD驅動器采用多個內置濾波器,極大地消除了電機在高速和高動態響應系統中的噪聲,提高系統穩定性。最終科爾摩根伺服系統達到的性能:
1. 實際切割可滿足加速度1.5g,速度150米/分鐘的動態要求
2. 切割精度達到±2絲
3. 在實際調試過程中,可達到2g加速度,超出客戶預期。
AKM伺服電機因其電磁設計方案的齒槽效應低,諧波畸變小,并配有多種高精度反饋編碼器,使得定位控制精度高,速度波動小,噪音小,無振動。同時AKD驅動器的高帶寬,快速的3環刷新頻率響應,豐富的調試方法,可實現快速簡單的調試,縮短設備調試過程,并支持EtherCAT現場總線方式,可以兼容主流品牌CNC控制器,實現控制驅動無縫鏈接。通過采用科爾摩根高性能AKM伺服電機和AKD伺服驅動器系列產品的大功率金屬激光切割機伺服系統解決方案,可大幅提升各軸的加速度和速度,提高切割效率和產品良品率,改善最終用戶的生產效率與產品質量,從而提升設備的競爭優勢。風能是世界上使用最為廣泛和發展最快的可再生能源之一。截至2010年底,中國全年風力發電新增裝機達1600萬千瓦,累計裝機容量達到4182.7萬千瓦,首次超過美國,躍居世界第一,成為全球風電裝備最大的消費者和生產者。風電已經成為中國經濟發展的亮點,并具備主導世界市場的潛能,將成為第二大主力電源。of assembly and testing processes are required. Starting from the automatic feeding of the cells, through the main process of cell sorting, screwing, assembly, welding, cleaning and testing, warehousing and package in series, several cells are composed of modules, and then several cells are composed of packs. The 10-20 stations of each line can achieve seamless integration of the production process with the help of automation equipment and control system. Take the pack stage as an example, the pack includes battery pack, bus bar, flexible connection, protective board, outer packaging, output (including connector), barley paper, plastic support and other auxiliary materials. For the pack battery pack, its air tightness detection process and software brushing process are important links, which directly determines the quality and safety compliance of the battery. On the other hand, when the BMS control code is brushed into CMU and BMU, the collected battery state information data can be processed and analyzed by the electronic control unit during the battery test and use, and then the control instructions are issued to the relevant