隨著電子技術進入農業和所有重型工業車輛,對寬輸入范圍和堅固結構的要求也是一樣的。道路車輛的電源電壓是非常明確的,由德國汽車制造商在2013年制定的LV124是12V系統的通用標準。圖3為常見的電壓,轉換器需要在超過4: 1輸入范圍內可靠工作。雖然不同的制造商有自己的解釋和要求,但標準ISO 7637-2也適用于高壓瞬態。可以施加高達-150V負瞬態持續2ms以及正電壓如+150V持續150ns。負脈沖是由并聯電感負載斷電所產生的。瞬態具有相對較低的能量,可以使用LC濾波器和瞬態抑制器加以減弱。
490NRP25300模塊人們越來越關注混合動力汽車的48V DC系統,因為即將在2021年實施的法規要求新登記的乘用車的二氧化碳排放需低于每公里95克。那時市場還無法轉換成全電動車,因此混合動力車是大型車輛的唯一選擇。具有12V和48V系統電壓的系統可以提供更好的燃料消耗和排放,48V電池可在必要時提供牽引力,并為油泵和水泵等周邊設備供電,這在設備為電驅動時效率更高。
交通運輸對DC/DC轉換器的要求可以輕松地由具有長期市場經驗的RECOM及姊妹公司PCS的現成解決方案滿足。廣泛的產品包括在鐵路應用中符合EN 50155標準的超寬12:1輸入的模塊,以及適用于汽車和工業車輛的堅固耐用的轉換器。為了確保使用壽命和最佳性能以及滿足苛刻應用的要求,RECOM的產品通過了全面的設計驗證和測試,包括全部的電性能、HALT、溫度循環和高溫老化。AC/DC轉換器需要高級別的防觸電保護的原因顯而易見,如果手術期間沒有高級別的防觸電保護,高壓交流電可能會直接接觸到患者、甚至是患者器官,形成致命的安全隱患。醫療安全標準為操作員和患者明確地定義了兩個等級的隔離或保護措施(MOP)。
the voltage drop between its input and output is less than 50mV.
Parallel function to realize load balancing
The improved MOSFET redundant module scheme can even make the parallel mode achieve a more ideal thermal equilibrium effect, which can further extend the service life of products. In this process, the load current between each power supply is evenly distributed.
There are two ways to realize the parallel function in the system: directly integrate the parallel mode in the power supply itself, or integrate it in the redundant module. The former, that is, in the integration of power supply, the output voltage will be adjusted to be about 4% higher than the rated load when no-load. Therefore, as long as the no-load voltage between devices is the same, the current will be automatically distributed. If a power supply bears more current, its voltage will automatically decrease and the current balance can be maintained. Such characteristics ensure that there is no power loss in the current distribution. The latter, that is, the parallel mode is integrated in the redundant module, and the MOSFET is connected in series. In order to realize the current balance between two channels (i.e. two power supplies), they will produce an appropriate voltage drop under the higher voltage of the channel. This method can also make the power supply without integrated parallel mode used in parallel. In Pursh redundant module yr20.245, an innovative technology is added: hot plug. This is also the first hot plug function on redundant modules.