HONEYWELL 51405044-175用戶手冊,CC-PFB401輸出邏輯模塊至此為一個印刷行程。絲網印刷設備簡由五大要素構成,即絲網印版、刮印刮板、油墨、印刷臺以及承印物。絲網印刷適應性強。絲網印刷不但可以在平面上印刷,也可以在曲面、球面及凹凸面的承印物上進行印刷。另一方面,絲網印刷不但可在硬物上印刷,還可以在軟物上印刷,不受承印物的質地限制。除此之外,絲網印刷除了直接印刷外,還可以根據需要采用間接印刷方法印刷,即先用絲網印刷在明膠或硅膠版上,再轉印到承印物上。
HONEYWELL 51405044-175用戶手冊絲網印刷墨層厚實,立體感強,質感豐富,是其它印刷方法不能相比的。絲網印刷的墨層厚度一般可達30微米左右,遠遠超過其它印刷工藝,專門印制電路板用的厚絲網印刷,墨層厚度可至1000微米。用發泡油墨印制盲文點宇,發泡后墨層厚度可達300微米。絲網印刷不僅可以單色印刷,還可以進行套色和加網彩色印刷。絲網印刷的耐光性強比其它種類的印刷產品的耐光性強,更適合于在室外作廣告、標牌之用。一般印刷方法所印刷的面積尺寸最大超過全張尺寸就受到機械設備的限制,而絲網印刷可以進行大面積印刷,當今絲網印刷產品最大幅度可達3米?4米,甚至更大。PLC作為一個新興的工業控制器,以其體積小,功能齊全,價格低廉,可靠性高等方面具有獨特的優點,在各個領域獲得了廣泛應用。 作為國內最大的印刷機生產廠家---北人集團公司,為了使產品性能穩定,易于維護,我們采用了以PLC為主控器的控制方案。由于雙色印刷機要求易于操作,精度高,故其輸入,輸出點較多,因此采用了雙機通訊。上位機采用三菱FX2N-80MR 32EX 4D/A,主要負責主傳動的控制,各機組離合壓的控制,以及氣泵,氣閥的控制等。下位機采用三菱 FX2N-64MR 4A/D,主要負責水輥電機的控制,主傳動的調速輸出,調版電機數據采集等。同時選用了一臺三菱5.7寸觸摸屏,主要負責水輥電機速度顯示,調版顯示,以及整機故障顯示等。上位機與下位機采用了RS485通訊,通訊方便,可靠。對多色機而言,安全因素很重要。在設計中,每個機組既要考慮到安全控制,其中包括本位機組的急停,安全按鈕;還要考慮方便操作,包括每個機組均應有正點,反點按鈕。因此,一方面輸入點增加很多;另一方面,走線也很不方便。采用雙機通訊,可以很好地解決此問題,各機組的走線可以按照就近原則,進入離它較近的控制柜內,既節省了走線,也方便了控制。
interface to be used, which communication standards need to be met, specific requirements for channel bandwidth, whether other functions need to be integrated, module size, packaging, power supply voltage and antenna processing mode.
In view of the previous unique opinions on the series of WiFi modules, after direct copy, slightly modify it and paste and forward it for your own use. In the follow-up, some contents are divided into sections and picture format, so as to avoid this phenomenon as much as possible. In order to facilitate the long-term design and selection needs, users who need a series of complete materials can directly request the detailed catalogue list of the complete version of the module by email!
Network card WiFi module series I: USB interface single frequency single channel WiFi module
Main features:
Communication interface: USB2 0
Standard: IEEE802 11b/g/n;
Frequency range: 2.400ghz ~ 2.4835ghz;
Maximum transmission rate: 150Mbps 1t1r;
The selected chips are mainly rtl8188 series, mt7601un, ar9271 and rt3070; The power supply voltage is 3v3 or 5V; The antenna processing method is external connection through RF pin extension on the module or PCB board or on-board i-pex base; There is also a high-power version; The classic package lga-6 with the size of 12.9 * 12.2mm is mainly used. The hardware of different brand schemes under this package is safe and compatible;