膠帶運輸機每隔約100米設起動預警裝置,設備啟動前發出預警信號,提示有關人員應立即遠離設備;料倉/罐稱重式料位測量利用稱重的原理來測量鋼結構料倉/罐體內物料重量,并檢測倉/罐體內物料的料位高度。SIWAREX稱重測量主要由:1)Siwarex MS稱重模塊2)稱重傳感器和安裝組件3)現場接線盒4)信號電纜四部分組成。
IC698CPE020-JR燃機卡件 每個料倉/罐體通常由三只或四只稱重傳感器和組件支撐。倉/罐體重量的變化使應變片式稱重傳感器產生形變,并使傳感器內部的阻值發生變化。稱重傳感器阻值的變化與重量的變化成比例關系。Siwarex MS模塊為現場稱重傳感器提供6VDC激勵電壓,并接收來自稱重傳感器的mV信號,并將mV值轉換成實際重量值。 當稱重料倉數量不超過6個,Siwarex MS模塊可以與S7-200CPU和TD400C文本顯示屏集成,組成一個獨立的六通道稱重料位儀,并通過Profibus DP與上位PLC系統進行稱重數據的通訊。SIWAREX MS稱重模塊的測量精度達0.05%,分辨率為65000,完全可以滿足大多數料倉/罐的稱重應用?0.1%的精度要求。 與普通的稱重儀表相比, SIWAREX MS具有與S7-200 PLC同樣的硬件設計和通訊連接,提高了系統運行的穩定性。接線簡潔,減少了儀表與PLC系統的通訊等中間環節,具有更高的可靠性。獨特的模塊化設計,并具有各種故障的自診斷功能,直接更換而無需重新標定,易于維護。全中文顯示界面,具有免砝碼模擬標定功能,操作方便。 稱重式料位測量與物料介質非接觸,無需擔心例如粉塵、泡沫、強腐蝕、蒸汽、高溫等惡劣環境對料位測量的影響。對于固體物料,稱重式料位也不受物料在倉內分布的影響。西門子SIWAREX稱重模塊是用于鋼結構料倉和液罐中高精度料液位測量的最佳選擇。在1300米長的礦井井下斜坡巷道上平均安置6道擋車欄,當礦車到達擋車欄附近時擋車欄打開,將礦車放行。當礦車離開時,將擋車欄放下,從而阻攔上方花落下來的礦車,從而保護巷道。每個擋車欄有電機一個,上升到位傳感器1個,下降到位傳感器1個,撞欄傳感器1個。礦車的位置通過安裝在提升機附近的編碼器獲得。①線路多,每個擋車欄光控制信號線不少,再加上巷道布線要盡可能的少,否則影響行車安全以及美觀。
解決方案:采用分散集中控制的原則 每個擋車欄的電機,傳感器,PLC為一個從站,電機,傳感器經從站PLC檢測和控制,從站與主站之間采用海為PLC內部的海為BUS通訊方式。
When the water in the water tank is lower than a certain value (20%), the automatic water make-up valve is powered on, and the water tank automatically makes up water. When the water level reaches the set value (90%), the automatic water make-up valve is powered off and the automatic water make-up stops.
(2) Collector cycle
When the water temperature at the outlet of the collector (the temperature sensor is installed at the outlet) is higher than the water temperature in the water tank and reaches the starting temperature difference set by PLC (6-10 ℃), the heat collection circulating pump starts; The low-temperature water in the heat collecting tank enters the vacuum tube heat collector group, and the relatively high-temperature water in the heat collector circulates to the heat collecting tank to raise the water temperature in the water tank. When the temperature difference decreases to the set temperature difference of the system (1-3 ℃), the circulating pump stops and the heat collection cycle stops. In this way, the heat is gradually transferred to the water tank, so that the water temperature in the water tank is gradually increased until it reaches the temperature required for bathing.