SD-108542模塊該聯合解決方案優化了能源的高效輸送和使用。它整合并利用了微電網、火力發電、儲能及其他可再生能源,為較難獲得能源的偏遠地區的采礦企業提供高性價比且低環境影響的配電解決方案,平均節省27%的初始投入和減少20%的二氧化碳排放。02|E-House預裝式變電站模塊E-House是一個預配置的預裝式模塊化電氣和控制中心,出廠前封裝在一個集裝箱中。模塊內的設備(智能變壓器、不間斷電源(UPS)、匯流母排、中壓開關柜、低壓柜、變頻器(VSD)、暖通空調(HVAC)和控制系統)均以數字方式連接,以實現遠程監控。這些具有自封閉外殼的解決方案在設計時考慮了可持續性和安全性,符合國際標準和地方法規,并且可快速配置和交付,滿足緊迫的項目實施時間要求。03|先進的電氣資產管理隨著礦山關鍵電氣資產老化,部件磨損會導致運營效率下降和故障頻發。施耐德千里眼? 資產顧問 EcoStruxure? Asset Advisor資產顧問等數字化工具,能夠在設備性能問題發展為嚴重事故之前,對其進行預測并加以解決,從而降低安全風險、避免計劃外停機以及相關耗能耗時的重啟程序。它還有助于延長資產生命周期,減少浪費。04|數字化電能質量分析基于云的工具現在可以幫助運營管理人員利用先進算法來快速分析配電系統數據,這些算法使隱藏的問題無所遁形。例如,EcoStruxure? Power Advisor電力顧問等工具可識別功率因數不足、未計量負載引起的盲點、變壓器容量過剩和電壓諧波過高等問題。通過基于云的診斷服務快速解決這些問題可降低整體能耗,同時提高配電系統的可靠性。提高綠色運營增效的數字化措施利用數字化工具進行增效降耗的同時,更多數字驅動型增效工具也可通過提效運營,助力企業進一步降碳減排。數字化架構現在可以讓采礦業更輕松地跨多個系統和工廠,整合信息技術(IT)和運營技術(OT)。這些數字化架構(例如EcoStruxure? Plant Advisor工廠顧問)已推出,可打通各信息孤島,提供實時洞見,并專注于監控業務、優化所需的關鍵KPI,從而優化能源使用。
(1) Use SM0 1 to call an initialization subroutine.
(2) In the initialization subroutine, load the control word into smb47 as needed. For example, smb47 = 16#f8, which means: it is allowed to write a new current value, it is allowed to write a new set value, the counting direction is counted, and the start and reset signals are valid at high level.
(3) Execute HDEF command, and its input parameters are: HSC terminal is 2 (select No. 2 high-speed counter), and mode terminal is 0 / 1 / 2 (corresponding to working mode 0, mode 1 and mode 2).
(4) Load the desired current technical value into smd58 (load 0 to clear the counter) 5. Load the desired set value into smd62.
(5) If you want to capture an interrupt event whose current value is equal to the set value, write an interrupt service program associated with interrupt event number 16.
(6) If you want to capture an external reset interrupt event, write an interrupt service procedure associated with interrupt event number 18Preface.
(7) Execute Eni instruction
(8) Execute HSC instructions
(9) Exit initialization subroutine
8. Application example of high speed counter
A product packaging production line uses a high-speed counter to accumulate and package products. Every 1000 products are detected, the packaging machine will be automatically started for packaging, and the counting direction can be controlled by external signals.