HIMA F7123產品顏色,F7123模塊
HIMA F7123產品顏色使用過時參數名稱的現有AUP文件必須更改為使用新的參數名。SRTP應用程序超時必須適應網絡連接開銷SRTP通道內的應用超時還包括建立并維護底層網絡和SRTP連接。示例正在為新通道建立TCP連接,建立與遠程設備的通信,以及通道期間的TCP重新傳輸操作。如果TCP連接建立或維護所需的時間超過用戶指定的通道應用程序超時值,應用程序將發生超時。通道應用超時是臨時錯誤;海峽繼續運行。操作系統網絡堆棧掛起與連接關閉后的一段時間。此時間段適用于關閉的發起方,它幾乎總是客戶端。這一次被稱為“TCP延遲期”。一旦TCP延遲期到期(60在當前操作系統實現中,TCP資源被釋放。使用客戶端通道的應用程序開發人員需要了解這種行為在設計邏輯時。有限數量的TCP資源分配給客戶端通道,以及如果通道連接的上下速度如此之快資源耗盡后,應用程序可能不得不等待TCP資源釋放以建立另一個客戶端通道(COMMREQ狀態為如果當前沒有可用的TCP資源,則返回0xA890;應用程序應等待并重試)。
One-time delay of EGD Production
(and possibly Consumption) if
more than 24 SRTP Server
Connections are started
If more than 24 SRTP Server connections are established simultaneously, EGD
Production may be briefly delayed for each connection after the 24th when the
connections are first made after power is applied. If EGD consume acceleration
has been disabled, then EGD Consumption will also be delayed. The delay only
occurs once when the SRTP Server connection is established for the first time after
Powerup. No delay is experienced for the first 24 SRTP Server connectionsThe old parameter names are no longer supported; use of an obsolete parameter
name will result in a configuration processing error and an Ethernet exception
(Entry = 2, Entry 2 = 06).
Existing AUP files using the obsolete parameter names will have to be changed to
use the new parameter names.
SRTP application timeouts must
accommodate network connection
The application timeouts within SRTP Channels also include the time needed to
establish and maintain the underlying network and SRTP connection. Examples
are establishing the TCP connection for a new channel, establishing
communication with the remote device, and TCP retransmissions during Channel
operations. If the time needed for TCP connection establishment or maintenance
exceeds the user-specified channel application timeout values, an application
timeout will occur. Channel application timeouts are temporary errors; the channel
continues to run.The OS Network stack hangs on to the TCP resources associated with a
connection for a period of time after the connection is closed. This time period
applies to the initiator of the close, which is almost always the client side. This time
is referred to as the “TCP Linger Period”. Once the TCP Linger Period expires (60
seconds in the current OS implementation), the TCP resources are released.
Application developers using client channels need to be aware of this behavior
when designing their logic. A finite number of TCP resources are allocated to client
channels, and if channel connections are brought up and down so fast that these
resources are depleted, then the application may have to wait until a TCP resource
frees up in order to establish another client channel (a COMMREQ Status of
0xA890 is returned if no TCP resources are currently available; application should
wait and try again).