地址(在下一節中詳細描述)。計數;語法與exp相同。范圍可以指定的內存地址范圍按地址del addr或按地址:count。文本最多255個字符的ASCII字符串,
Syntactic Variables
The syntactic variables shown below are encountered in the
command descriptions on the following pages. In addition, other
syntactic variables may be used and are defined in the particular
command description in which they occur.Delimiter; either a comma or a space.
exp Expression (described in detail in a following section).
addr Address (described in detail in a following section).
count Count; the syntax is the same as for exp.
range A range of memory addresses which may be specified
either by addr del addr or by addr: count.
text An ASCII string of up to 255 characters, delimited at
each end by the single quote mark (')Expression as a Parameter
An expression can be one or more numeric values separated by the
arithmetic operators: plus (+), minus (-), multiplied by (*), divided
by (/), logical AND (&), shift left (<<), or shift right (>>).
Numeric values may be expressed in either hexadecimal, decimal,
octal, or binary by immediately preceding them with the proper
base identifier.If no base identifier is specified, then the numeric value is assumed
to be hexadecimal.
A numeric value may also be expressed as a string literal of up to
four characters. The string literal must begin and end with the
single quote mark ('). The numeric value is interpreted as the
concatenation of the ASCII values of the characters. This value is
right-justified, as any other numeric value would be.Evaluation of an expression is always from left to right unless
parentheses are used to group part of the expression. There is no
operator precedence. Subexpressions within parentheses are
evaluated first. Nested parenthetical subexpressions are evaluated
from the inside out.
Valid expression examples:
Address as a Parameter
Many commands use addr as a parameter. The syntax accepted by
187Bug is similar to the one accepted by the M88000 one-line
assembler. All control addressing modes are allowed. An “address
+ offset register” mode is also provided.