KUKA KSD1-32伺服驅動,KSD1-32使用書
KUKA KSD1-32伺服驅動下圖顯示了Machine Edition軟件中的輸入/輸出故障表顯示。通信請求功能(COMMREQ)允許程序通信帶有GE Fanuc智能模塊,如PROFIBUS主模塊。COMMREQ函數使用包含待處理數據的命令塊與其他設備通信,以及與執行COMMREQ。命令塊必須使用數據移動指令,例如move或BLKMOV(塊移動)。CPU在狀態字中報告COMMREQ的結果,狀態字是一個PLC數據存儲器中的位置。狀態字地址在命令塊中指定。有關狀態字中報告的狀態代碼列表,請參閱上的“COMMREQ狀態字”第4-8頁。有關PROFIBUS主模塊支持的COMMREQ任務列表,請參閱第4-9頁的“PROFIBUS主模塊COMMREQ參考”。本討論概述了COMMREQ指令。有關詳細信息COMMREQ梯形圖指令,請參閱隨提供的聯機幫助編程軟件。這個通信請求開始于COMMREQ梯形圖指令為激活。
There are two I/O Faults that can be logged by the PROFIBUS Master module
Loss of Device - This fault is logged whenever there is a PROFIBUS fault detected on
a configured slave, such as a timeout. That is, whenever the device bit in the Slave
Status Table transitions from 1 to 0, this fault will be logged if there is not a
Addition of Device - This fault is logged whenever the device bit in the Slave Status
Table transitions from 0 to 1, indicating that a device is active in the PROFIBUS
The following figure shows the I/O fault table display in the Machine Edition software.The Communication Request function (COMMREQ) allows the program to communicate
with a GE Fanuc intelligent module, such as a PROFIBUS Master module.
The COMMREQ function uses a command block that contains the data to be
communicated to the other device, plus information related to the execution of the
COMMREQ. The command block must be placed in the designated memory area using
data move instructions, such as MOVE or BLKMOV (Block Move).
The CPU reports the result of the COMMREQ in the status word, which is a single
location in PLC data memory. The status word address is specified in the command block.
For a list of status codes reported in the status word, see “COMMREQ Status Word” on
page 4-8.
For a list of COMMREQ tasks supported by the PROFIBUS Master module, see
“PROFIBUS Master Module COMMREQ Reference“ on page 4-9.This discussion provides an overview of
the COMMREQ instruction. For details
of the COMMREQ ladder instruction,