快速設置可以通過兩種方式進行取決于包裹增益的設置方式。完成設置系統定義見3.12.2選擇標準輥、單面測量或分段滾動應用的輸入數量。語言、單位、腹板寬度1)和所需演示文稿中設置了小數位數菜單選擇稱重傳感器組合并設置分段滾動比例因子(SRSF)2)和增益調度在此菜單中。檢查稱重傳感器名稱上的標稱負載盤子使用或從列表中選擇標稱負載. 用確認。
IS220PDIAH1B通用電氣模塊零點設置用于補償稱重傳感器零點信號和皮重。包裹增益可以通過使用懸掛來確定重量或通過計算。僅選擇Off、U(電壓)、I(電流)或Profibus。連接信號并設置濾波器設置,高和低張力、輸出和極限。設置液位檢測器(4)和“狀態正常”AI 1-AI 2見3.12.9用于連接多個電子設備。DI公司見3.12.10選擇關閉、零設置或增益調度。該菜單用于設置profibus參數或設置出廠默認值。PFEA113軟件版本。查看的最大負載和當前偏移設置稱重傳感器A、B、C和D。重置最大負載內存和偏移。稱重傳感器信號的模擬。如果裝置設置為N/m、kN/m、kg/m或pli。如果稱重傳感器組合設置為分段滾動。取決于稱重傳感器的組合。筆記一些子菜單詢問確認問題不是如本概述所示。在這些菜單您必須確認您的應進行設置。The fast setup can be made in two ways
depending on how the wrap gain is set.
See 3.12.2
Select Standard roll, Single side measurement or
number of inputs for segmented roll applications.
Language, Unit, Web Width 1) and desired
number of decimals are set in the presentation
Select load cell combination and set Segmented
Roll Scale factor (SRSF) 2) and Gain scheduling
in this menu.
Check the nominal load on the load cell name
plate. Select nominal load from the list with or
. Confirm with .
Zero set is used to compensate for load cell zero
signal and tare weight.
Wrap gain can be determined by using hanging
weights or by calculating.
Select Off, U (Voltage), I (Current) or Profibus only.
Connect signals and set filter settings, high and low
Tension, Output and Limit.
Set level detectors (4) and “Status OK”
AI 1 - AI 2
See 3.12.9
For connection of multiple electronics.
See 3.12.10
Select Off, Zero set or Gain scheduling.
This menu is used to set profibus parameters or to
set factory default.
Show PFEA113 software version.
View maximum load and current offset settings for
load cell A, B, C and D.
Reset maximum load memory and offset.
Simulation of load cell signals.)