HIMA F8627處理器模塊,F8627使用指導
HIMA F8627處理器模塊(TAT)。如果調制解調器在指定的時間段內沒有響應RTS線路,則會刷新傳輸緩沖區,丟棄RTS并丟失幀。TAT是通過在配置中指定0.25、50、75和1.00之一啟用第二)時間間隔。將時間間隔設置為無將禁用TAT。3.5 DCS主動檢測
RTU接口模塊提供了選擇性監測Modbus活動的能力主人如果該活動下降,則在配置的%I參考(位0)和Modbus異常狀態字節;此外,DCS LED將開始以1秒的速度閃爍。這為CPU、維護操作員和主機提供一種方法,以確定主機是否功能正常。
Multi-drop handshaking is required for RS-485 multiple unit (either single or half
duplex) or single unit half-duplex configurations. This enables the transmit driver
only when the RTU is transmitting. For RS-232, this mode controls the CTS
signal for compatibility with RS232-to-RS485 converters which can be operated
in a half-duplex mode. When multi-drop handshaking is enabled, no other
handshaking is available.
RADIO MODEM - Similar to hardware handshaking with the exception that RTS is only asserted
when the RTU has data to send. Thereafter, the RTU sends or suspends data
transfer based on the CTS line.
The radio modem mode also provides an optional modem turn-around-timer
(TAT). If the modem does not respond to the RTS line within a specified period,then the transmit buffer is flushed, RTS is dropped and the frame is lost. TAT is
enabled by specifying in the confi guration one of the (.25, .50, .75 and 1.00
Second) time intervals. Setting the time interval to NONE disables the TAT.
3.5 DCS Active Detection
The RTU Interface Module provides the capability to optionally monitor the activity from the Modbus
master. Should that activity drop off, a bit is set in both the configured %I reference (Bit 0) and the
Modbus exception status byte; furthermore, the DCS LED will begin to flash at a 1 second rate. This
provides a method for the CPU, maintenance operator and the master to determine if the master is
functioning properly.
To enable this feature, set the DCS configuration entry to the amount of time you wish the RTU Module to
wait after the last communications frame was sent before setting the indication bit. Th e time-out value is
limited to 1 through 12 Seconds. Setting the Time-out value to zero disables this feature.