This section covers the module calibration procedure, demodu
lator gain tuning procedure, controller gain tuning procedure
and automatic tuning procedure. Tuning and calibrating the
module insures accurate positioning of the turbine throttle
valve and the best possible frequency response.
Complete the steps in this section before placing the hydraulic
servo (HSS) module in operation. The steps in this section
apply only to IMHSS03 modules and multi-function processor
(MFP) modules configured with function code 55. Refer to
Appendix B for tuning and calibration procedures using func
tion code 150.
The demodulator gain tuning procedure can be done in one of two
modes: Manual or automatic. In manual mode, the user performs
the tuning procedure step by step. In automatic mode, the HSS
module performs the same steps without user action. Demodula
tor gain and controller gain are independent of each other; there
fore, demodulator gain calibration can be done automatically or
manually, while controller gain must be done manually. New gain
values and any error codes are stored in the function code so that
gain values can be viewed via the configuration device display
(e.g., engineering work station, OIS monitor).
Perform IMHSS03 tuning and calibration in the following order:
1. Null check (manual only).
2. Demodulator gain tuning (automatic or manual).
3. LVDT calibration (automatic only).
4. Controller gain tuning (manual only).
To start the null check procedure, the MFP module must be
communicating with the IMHSS03 module. Additionally, the
following conditions must exist:
The turbine is off-line.
The valve (for turbine hydraulic system) must be in the
controlling position and functioning properly.
The multi-function processor module has function code 55
in its configuration.