NI SCXI-1300電流激勵模塊,SCXI-1300產品尺寸
一起安裝機柜如果機柜要相互安裝,請使用附帶的螺釘/螺栓套件。四個M8螺釘,帶墊圈和螺母,在角鉸鏈和六個M6螺釘中,Z1=500,Z2=1000,Z3=離地板1500 mm的高度,見圖2-9。將M8螺釘擰緊至最大扭矩20 Nm最大扭矩為10 Nm。將機柜安裝到地板上
右側各有兩個螺釘的機柜。底角鉸鏈具有孔,直徑14 mm(0.6“)。這些孔允許您在安裝孔后調整機柜位置在地板上鉆孔。

NI SCXI-1300電流激勵模塊如果需要鉆孔,確保沒有灰塵或其他異物進入機柜中的設備。請注意機柜到墻壁的最小距離,以及天花板在地板和機柜底部之間使用墊圈將機柜地板調平至水平位置。空間要求機柜的外形尺寸如中的尺寸圖所示附錄A.6圖紙。
?機柜頂面與屋頂、梁底或通風管道等必須至少為250 mm。如果電纜從上方進入,則該距離為增加到1000 mm。
?機柜后部和墻壁之間必須有至少40 mm的間隙,以及櫥柜側面和墻壁之間。
?允許帶鉸鏈的框架或通向外部封裝的門完全打開,無需在相鄰的墻壁上,與墻壁的距離必須增加到500 mm門框鉸鏈側(左),或車門鉸鏈側(右)300 mm。
Space Requirements
The overall dimensions of the cabinet are shown in a dimension diagram in
Appendix A.6 Drawings.
The following rules apply to locating and positioning of the cabinet:
? The distance between the top surface of the cabinet and the roof, soffit of a beam or
ventilation duct etc. must be at least 250 mm. If cables enter from above, this distance is
increased to 1000 mm.
? There must be a clearance of at least 40 mm between the rear of the cabinet and the wall,
and between the sides of the cabinet and the wall.
? To permit a frame with hinge, or a door to an outer encapsulation to open fully without
catching on the adjacent wall, the distance to the wall must be increased to 500 mm on the
hinge side (left) of the frame, or 300 mm on the hinge side (right) of the door.
? There must be at least 1 meter of free space in front of the cabinet. It must be possible to
open the door completely, in order not to restrict access for check-out and servicing.