NI SCXI-1162HV數字I/O模塊
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
NI SCXI-1162HV數字I/O模塊是一款專為SCXI系統設計的光隔離數字輸入模塊。以下是關于該模塊的詳細解析:
- 主要功能:
- 檢測各種AC或DC信號,從數字邏輯電平信號到240VAC/VDC信號。
- 通過光隔離功能避免接地環路問題,并保護主機計算機免受過高電壓的損壞。
- 可通過SCXI總線在DAQ設備上進行串行編程,易于集成到現有的SCXI系統中。
- 技術規格:
- 適用于SCXI系統。
- 具有光隔離功能。
- 可檢測范圍廣泛,包括數字邏輯電平信號至240VAC/VDC信號。
- 可通過SCXI總線進行串行編程。
- 支持在并行模式下工作,當直接連接到數字I/O設備時。
- 應用場景:
- 工業自動化和控制系統:用于連接和檢測各種數字信號,提高系統的自動化程度和穩定性。
- 過程控制和監測:在化工、制造等行業中,用于實時監測和控制生產過程中的關鍵參數。
- 安全系統:由于其光隔離功能,該模塊也適用于安全關鍵的應用,確保系統的可靠性和安全性。
- 價格和供應:
- 價格因供應商和采購量而異。在某些供應商處,該模塊的起訂價格可能在數千元人民幣左右。
- 發貨地可能包括貴州貴陽、安徽合肥等地,具體取決于供應商。
- 其他信息:
- 品牌:NI(美國國家儀器)。
- 尺寸和分辨率:可能因具體型號而異,但一般具有適合工業自動化應用的尺寸和32位分辨率。
- 保修:通常提供2-3年的保修期。
- 驅動軟件:支持NI-DAQ(National Instruments Data Acquisition)驅動軟件。
綜上所述,NI SCXI-1162HV數字I/O模塊是一款功能強大、易于集成、適用于多種應用場景的數字輸入模塊。
The NI SCXI-1162HV Digital I/O Module is an optically isolated digital input module designed specifically for SCXI systems. The following is a detailed analysis of this module:
Main functions:
Detect various AC or DC signals, ranging from digital logic level signals to 240VAC/VDC signals.
Avoiding grounding loop issues through optical isolation function and protecting the host computer from damage caused by excessive voltage.
Serial programming can be performed on DAQ devices through the SCXI bus, making it easy to integrate into existing SCXI systems.
Technical specifications:
Applicable to SCXI system.
Has light isolation function.
It can detect a wide range, including digital logic level signals to 240VAC/VDC signals.
Serial programming can be performed through the SCXI bus.
Supports working in parallel mode when directly connected to digital I/O devices.
Application scenario:
Industrial automation and control systems: used to connect and detect various digital signals, improving the automation and stability of the system.
Process control and monitoring: used in industries such as chemical and manufacturing to monitor and control key parameters in real-time during production processes.
Security system: Due to its optical isolation function, this module is also suitable for safety critical applications, ensuring the reliability and safety of the system.
Price and Supply:
The price varies depending on the supplier and purchase quantity. At some suppliers, the minimum order price for this module may be around thousands of RMB.
The shipping location may include Guiyang, Guizhou, Hefei, Anhui, and other places, depending on the supplier.
Other information:
Brand: NI (National Instruments of the United States).
Size and resolution: may vary by specific model, but generally have sizes and 32-bit resolution suitable for industrial automation applications.
Warranty: Typically, a warranty period of 2-3 years is provided.
Driver software: Supports NI-DAQ (National Instruments Data Acquisition) driver software.
In summary, The NI SCXI-1162HV Digital I/O Module is a powerful, easy to integrate, and versatile digital input module suitable for various application scenarios.
2.產 品 展 示
3.產 品 展 示
PMB33F-20201-03 | DT 370A | R23GENA-R1-NS-VS-01 |
PMB33F-20101-00 | DT 371A | R43HCNA-NP-RW-VS-03 |
PMB33F-10216-03 | GJR2 242100 R1 | R45GCNA-TS-NS-NV-00 |
PMB33F-20201-02 | ABB DSAO120A 3BSE018293R1 | R35KMNC-TS-RC-NV-02 |
R46GSNA-R2-NS-VS-04 | R32HSNC-TS-NS-NV-02 | R22GENT-TS-NS-NV-02 |
R65HENA-TS-NS-NV-00 | R43HCBA-R2-NS-VS-00 | R35GENH-R2-NS-NV-00 |