NI SCXI-1193 多路復用開關模塊
1.產 品 資 料 介 紹:
NI SCXI-1193 多路復用開關模塊的產品特點主要包括:
- 高密度32信道設計:該模塊具有32個信號通道,能夠實現高密度的多路復用功能,從而允許在多個測量通道之間進行快速切換,實現對多個信號源的復用。
- 可編程配置:SCXI-1193 可以根據應用需求進行編程配置,以適應不同的應用場景。
- 寬頻帶特性:該模塊能夠承受從DC到超過500MHz的信號頻率,因此適用于需要對高頻信號進行測量和分析的應用。
- 模塊化設計:作為SCXI系列的一部分**,SCXI-1193** 通過模塊化的設計與其他SCXI模塊和設備兼容,使得用戶可以根據需要進行系統的靈活配置和擴展。
- 多種拓撲結構:該模塊可以實現多種拓撲結構,如四路8 x 1多路復用器、四路4 x 1端接多路復用器、雙路16 x 1多路復用器、雙路8 x 1端接多路復用器、32 x 1多路復用器、16 x 1端接多路復用器和獨立模塊等,提供了靈活的多路復用解決方案。
- 物理參數:其推薦工作溫度范圍為0°C至50°C,儲存溫度范圍為-20°C至70°C,非冷凝濕度范圍為5%至85%。此外,它的重量為2盎司,尺寸為1.2 x 6.8 x 7.8英寸。
The product features of the NI SCXI-1193 multiplexer switch module mainly include:
High density 32 channel design: This module has 32 signal channels and can achieve high-density multiplexing function, allowing for fast switching between multiple measurement channels and achieving multiplexing of multiple signal sources.
Programmable Configuration: SCXI-1193 can be programmed and configured according to application requirements to adapt to different application scenarios.
Broadband characteristics: This module can withstand signal frequencies from DC to over 500MHz, making it suitable for applications that require measurement and analysis of high-frequency signals.
Modular design: As part of the SCXI series, SCXI-1193 is compatible with other SCXI modules and devices through modular design, allowing users to flexibly configure and expand the system according to their needs.
Multiple Topology Structures: This module can implement various topology structures, such as four channel 8 x 1 multiplexers, four channel 4 x 1 terminated multiplexers, dual channel 16 x 1 multiplexers, dual channel 8 x 1 terminated multiplexers, 32 x 1 multiplexers, 16 x 1 terminated multiplexers, and independent modules, providing flexible multiplexing solutions.
Physical parameters: Its recommended working temperature range is 0 ° C to 50 ° C, storage temperature range is -20 ° C to 70 ° C, and non condensing humidity range is 5% to 85%. In addition, it weighs 2 ounces and measures 1.2 x 6.8 x 7.8 inches in size.
2.產 品 展 示
3.產 品 展 示
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ABB TVB-1202-1ANET 1381-647980-12 電路板模塊